Late Airbox and Wiper Shaft Seal Kit for Porsche 914 (1973-76)

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1973-76 Late Air Inlet Box Seal Kit

Kit includes the 1973-76 molded seal (914.571.129.10), frame sealing ring for fan housing (901.571.922.00) and 2 sealing rings for the control box flaps. 1970-72 models used an extruded top seal (914.571.904.10) with no grille and 1973-76 models used a molded seal (914.571.129.10) with a grille (914.571.131.10). 

Fits to:

914.571.129.10, 914 571 129 10, 914-571-129-10, 91457112910.

Airbox Motor Seal for 911 and 914

This is a replacement seal for the old crusty foam seal that holds the fan securely in place. Made from high-grade silicone it comes with a lifetime warranty. A must to install if you are rebuilding your airbox assembly.

91157101800S, 911 571 018 00 S, 911-571-018-00-S, 911.571.018.00.S

Male Wiper Shaft Rubber Bushing

New reproduction of the male rubber bushings for the wiper system. Installs on both wiper shafts below the nut.

901.628.924.00, 901 628 924 00, 901-628-924-00, 90162892400 

Female Wiper Shaft Rubber Bushing

New reproduction of the female rubber bushings for the wiper system. Installs on both wiper shafts above the flange washer.

901.628.923.01, 901 628 923 01, 901-628-923-01, 90162892301 

Windshield Wiper Offset Isolator

New reproduction of the offset isolator. Many of the factory pieces have deteriorated and cracked if not already sheared. Shown in the instruction page of the maintenance manual is the only reference to the nut that holds the assembly in.

914.628.011.20, 914 628 011 20, 914-628-011-20, 91462801120