CSF 914-6 Engine Oil Cooler

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CSF 914-6 Engine Oil Cooler

The original Behr cooler, designed in the 1960s, has certainly aged over the years. While it's possible to ultrasonically clean and refurbish these coolers, there’s a significant risk they’ll start leaking after the cleaning process. The old, brittle materials can fail due to the cleaning, or the removal of corrosion and debris may expose leaks that were previously hidden. But the core isn’t the only problem. The OEM cast base plate that mounts to the block can become warped over time or suffer from aging porosity, preventing the seals from seating correctly and causing leaks.

But it doesn’t end there. CSF has received numerous reports of brand-new OE coolers from Porsche’s "Porsche Classic" Catalog leaking within months of installation. It seems the new coolers from Porsche aren’t built to the same standards as the original Behr units. In response, CSF has developed a modern, OEM+ solution to this vintage issue.

To develop the 914-6 Engine Oil Cooler, CSF teamed up with Porsche engine building experts at SV Auto, who brought invaluable insight into the design and construction process. Additionally, long-time R&D partner and CSF dealer Brian Day at Euro Parts West played a crucial role in the development of the oil cooler, ensuring the final product met the highest standards.