0.35 VW Carburetor Pump Exhaust Valve for 40/44/48 Carbs

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VW Carburetor Pump Exhaust Valve

The EMPI IDF, IDA, DCOE, HPMX & EPC 48/51 Carburetor Accelerator Pump Exhaust Valves can be purchased in a variety of sizes, including 0.00 (no hole) to .550. These valves are sold individually and are compatible with Weber IDF, IDA & DCOE as well as EMPI HPMX & EPC 48/51 VW Carburetors. We recommend using one valve per carburetor to allow some fuel from the accelerator pump to return back into the float bowl. For single carb applications, a 0.00 valve is recommended, while dual carb applications usually use a .550 valve.