It's time. You know it is. Why put it off any longer? With the value of Porsche 914's on the rise, this is the perfect time to invest in the heart of the matter... your babies engine.
Who better to trust your heart transplant with than one of the most trusted names in the 914 industry; PMB Motorwerks? We've been tinkering with, rebuilding, modifying and restoring 914's for over 30 years. Our award winning cars speak for themselves, it's time to let your engine do the talking.
Our complete "PMB Long-Block" program strips your Type IV engine down to the basics. Your split case and all of it's internals will be meticulously cleaned, measured and checked for stress fractures and other issues. It then goes back together with new bearings, bushings, seals and fasteners. New pistons, rings, cylinders, heads and a complete valve job will finish off the top end. Your restored car will have a nicely restored engine.
*Numbers matching engines should stay with the car. If you're beyond that, you may want to ask about our engine exchange program.