This tiny, gauge sized display can show up to eight sensor readings at a time, in the space you’d need for a standard gauge! Plus, this gauge monitors almost all your ECU’s sensor readings, and can interrupt its display to switch to a warning message if you run into an unsafe condition such as overheating, leaning out, and more available warnings. Fits in a standard 52 mm gauge cutout, and measures 70 mm (2 3/4″) outer diameter.
The NEW Perfect Tuning 24x Multicolor OLED Universal Gauge is enclosed in billet aluminum and boasts a real carbon fiber face plate! On-board LUX sensor auto-adjusts for day/ night time viewing.
Out-of-the-box compatible with all of the the following:
- MS3Pro Ultimate, EVO, 1st Gen & MS3Pro Plug & Play
- MegaSquirt 3 (MS3)
- MSPNP Gen 2 & MegaSquirt 2 Universal (MS2)
- Microsquirt (all versions)
The following data can be displayed from MSPNP Gen 2, MS2 Standalone and Microsquirt:
- MAP (Manifold Air Pressure)
- CLT (Coolant temperature)
- IAT or MAT (Intake Air temperature)
- Ignition timing
- AFR1 and 2
- AFR Target
- EGO Correction
- EGT1
- Battery voltage
- Generic Sensor 1 and 2
- Knock Retard
And for MS3 / MS3Pro, all the above PLUS
- MAF (Mass air flow)
- Gear
- VSS (Vehicle speed)
- Injector timing
- Cam IN and EX positions
- ECU error code
- Fuel Pressure
- Oil temperature
- Oil pressure
- Speed sensors of each wheel
- Knock on cylinder 1-8
- And more!
The gauge can also be connected to up to 3 sensors with the 3x 0-5v analog inputs and can be used as an expansion board. This means that if there is a sensor connected to the gauge, the ECU can read it over CANBus, display it in TunerStudio and datalog the value (including battery voltage!)